Walk in Slowly.

“Sliding in gently.” That’s how I see this week, this month. Not flying into the new year going gangbusters, but walking in with respect. A few days of school this week for the kids, a few days of Open Studio for our potters. A new calendar on the wall to keep us grounded.

The rain for me brings in a slow coziness that, although there is plenty to do, brings the energy to a calm place of steady steps forward. Not running, but a nice walk towards what needs to get done, what we want to be doing.

I say all this with the full knowledge that, as a studio, we aim to make about 300 bowls by this Sunday for March’s Empty Bowl event. No small feat, but achievable with our skilled group. We’re starting this year with our studio and hearts as full as ever.

February break classes are posted, and we’re also planning our summer camps, which will be live by the end of the month. We’ll have a camp for every week of the summer right up to Labor Day, and will have something for all ages.

Soon we will be deep in the throws of the schedules we’ve built for ourselves. I hope this week, this month, you can tuck into a calm corner of your life and make time to use your hands, move some paint around, work with some clay, write a few paragraphs- make some art of any sort to creatively launch into the new year.


New Mother’s 3 -week class! More info here.

January 29, February 5 & 12


January 2023 Classes


Youth/Tween Ceramics, ages 9 - 13. Space available!


Youth Ceramics, ages 5 - 9

Adult Ceramics


3D Print Your World, ages 8 - 11

Tween/teen Acrylic Painting

Adult Acrylic Painting


Clay, Cups, Critters ages 5 - 9

STEAM, ages 5 - 8

Adult Intermediate Ceramics

Personal Essay Writing, Adults


Tween/Teen Ceramics, ages 11 - 15

Papers & Books, ages 8 - 11


Teen/Adult Ceramics


BPS February Break classes are here!


Looking ahead wondering about our camps?

We’ll be posting summer camps by February 1!


Friday Night Clay dates for January - March are posted!

Check out options for adults and adult/child pairs here.


Empty Bowls 2023 is Coming Your Way!

See here for more information!

Gena Mavuli